Saturday, March 31, 2001

Went to visit a friend who just had a baby. I looked at the beautiful little dude. Unbelievable!
As I went to sleep, I listened to the BBC world service on the Internet and heard the violence in Palestine.
The two thing somehow connected; The divine gift of a baby and promise of a better future yet the world is moving increasing into uninhabital place of violence and intolerance. You wonder, do poeple and espacially politicians see the divine beauty in babies, if they do why do they take such short term solutions. Such as Bush and his rejection of the Koyoto treaty on global warming.

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

My sister still does not understand computers

Sunday, March 25, 2001

I am posting to understand what is really important in life. What really matters.

Just arrived from Jordan where I saw my parents and 3 brothers. It is amazing how when you are young, you just want to get away from your parents, then when you hit your 30's, you suddenly realise the lack of time that you will have to spend with those two amazing people who showered you with love no matter how horrible you are to them.

Listening to Keith Jarrett "I love you porgy" to fit with this dull grey London Sunday afternoon.

Saw this Interview with Donald Sutherland. The interviewer asked him what was important to him. He said "to be passionate about anything that you do". I do agree with him. Even a baker that is passionate about his bread, his passion shows in the quality & care of his workmanship. Even in relations, why do we get stuck in relationships just because they are comfortable. Unless we are passionate about the people we are with, why bother. Even when it comes to what we believe in, passion shows and passion changes the world. I think passion & love are qualities that are not inherited but are put in all of us.. something sacred ..something that needs protecting. This practical harsh world kicks the shit out eth passion in all of work..What defines great people like Ghandi, like Martin Luther King Jr, Orson Welles is their passion for their work and what they believe in. Look how these great people changed our worlds and our perception of what we are capable of forever. It is teh Passion for living.
When I was young, I was a bit of a square to be honest. Then I read this novel "Zorba", it changes my life forever. It was about a scholar who inherits a mine on one of the Greek island. He employs a strange but a man of the world called Zorba. While the Scholar was engaged in rational philosophical thinking of Nietzsche etc.., Zorba lived and lived with passion. He loved, he danced on the beach, he fought wars and told the truth. He taught the scholar that life is not worth living if we do not live it with passion.